Tuesday, November 27, 2007

catholic 'kumpil'

according to the catholic calendar, it was Christ the King Sunday. it was also confirmation for some - one of them was a son of a filipino and danish couple.

for catholics, confirmation is one of the observed sacraments by the members. this usually follows baptism, after reaching the age of reason.

the catholic church was housed by adjacent gers (local circular tents). it was a mongolian congregation. mass was mainly in the local language, with the homily being delivered in both mongolian and english.

the parish priest was a filipino. but for that day, a filipino priest from the catholic school in UB officiated the mass and confirmation rites.

after the mass, food was distributed to all attendees. as usual, the filipinos could not wait to have a group picture taken of them. it is unexplainable. but certainly this must be something about missing home - the philippines...

PS. paparazzi at church...